Garden Birds

Garden Tips by Salvia Hotlips

Bird Baths

A clean source of water is essential over the winter months and a bird bath is the ideal way of attracting our colourful and tuneful friends to any garden.

As the icy months are once again nearing it may be worth moving your bird bath to a sunnier spot to slow the water freezing.

A bobbing tennis ball will help break up the ice crystals before they form and the bright colour act as a beacon for our winter birds.

Use warm water to melt any ice melt any ice that may have formed.

Remember a bird bath is just that and while birds will drink snow and ice a supply of water is needed to keep their feathers in good condition.


Just as Nature’s Larder begins to empty birds are at that time where the need for energy to keep warm and healthy is at its highest.

 While we maybe tucking into our winter warmers our birds will be looking around for the food sources and especially those with high protein and fat.

Below are a few ideas

Sparrows  large grains

Woodpeckers, tits & starlings – fat balls and peanuts

Thrushes – mealworms

Thrushes Blackbirds, raisins and berries

 Goldfinch, siskin & nyjer seeds

Greenfinch, tits – sunflower hearts

Finally our friend the Robin and their favourite food of Mealworms.

Along with many other birds and humans and as midwinter descends the Robin is also partial to high energy comfort food like mince pies, Christmas Pudding and fruit cakes.

Throughout November we are offering 10% off all Bird Baths & Feeders – simply quote Red Robin when visiting Alkham Garden Centre.

Don’t forget to join our Newsletter for ongoing tips and offers including Complimentary midweek tea & coffee with any food (Monday to Friday before 12am and after 2.30pm)